On Mayday, MQ and Auntie Janine took the madness that is Sockedelic on the road and hit Ardee Craft Fair in Co Louth! We had a great day out, met some very lovely folks, and sent some more sockosimians and sockage dogs off to new homes...oh, and raised a few quid more for our Orangutan pals too! Satsuma was dressed in his finest Ape Activist costume, and was handing out flyers and boisterously kiss squeaking to raise awareness of the Orang's plight!
Sockedelic's next appearance will be at the
Children's Market, Waterworks Park, Belfast on 22nd May, so if you fancy getting your paws on your very own Sockedelic creation, join us there!
You can also now keep up to date with Sockedelic on Facebook and Twitter, just smack the buttons in the side bar to link straight through!!