We had a great day out at Belmont Tower fair on Saturday, we sent lots of new monkeys and monsters out into the world to create mayhem, and raised a few quid more for our Orangutan friends too! Here is the very lovely Auntie Janine showing off the new Sockedelic range!
Sockedelic's order book is slowly beginning to fill up, thanks mainly to Monkey King's "Pimp a Chimp" day on Friday
The Sanctuary will be ringing with hollers of "oh **** I've just stuck a needle in my finger!!!" or "can you take me to A&E, I've sat on my scissors!" for months to come I'm sure, LOL....luckily I make an excellent Nurse Monkey...now, where did I leave my thermometer??
PS Can you spot me & Satsuma hiding out among the socky softies?